3rd Int. Workshop on the Internet for Financial Collective Awareness & Intelligence
Papers should be submitted to the workshop by 30th September 2018, through the IFIN 2018 EasyChair website. A select number of papers from the workshop will be featured in a special issue of the European Journal of Finance. All submissions must adhere to the format and style guidelines of the European Journal of Finance. The review process for the special issue will consist of papers being subject to an initial review by the co-editors of the special issue, and then blind review by two anonymous referees. Submissions for the special issue open on 1st December. All journal submissions should be made by 31st December 2018, using the following address: https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rejf.
Moreover, all submitted papers must:
Papers should be submitted through the IFIN 2018 EasyChair website (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ifin2018)