IFIN seeks to open a multidisciplinary dialogue on how we could use the Internet to promote financial awareness and capability among citizens. Towards this goal, IFIN workshop will consist of two parts: presentation of related work and roundtable interactive discussions with participants.
Under the first part, it will present key ideas from the recently initiated EU-funded project called PROFIT: Promoting Financial Awareness and Stability, including a keynote speech from an expert in the area. Moreover, scientific contributions in the area are also welcomed to be presented upon acceptance through an open call for papers.
Under the second part, it will enable interactive discussions with the audience in a roundtable fashion being led by experts. The audience will be encouraged to discuss their ideas and views on the purposes, services and functionalities an online financial awareness platform should have.
This workshop is organised by the CAPS project PROFIT (Promoting Financial Awareness and Stability), which aims to develop a platform towards promoting the financial awareness and improving the financial capability of citizens and market participants. The PROFIT platform will be designed and pilot-tested via the collaboration with the members and partners of the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks (FEBEA), an institution committed to the responsible banking and finance agenda.
The platform will be built on Open Source components and will provide the following functionalities:
Specialized & personalized financial educational toolkits available to the wider public
Advanced crowdsourcing tools to process financial data, extract & present collective knowledge
Novel personalized recommendation systems catering to particular users' needs & interests
Advanced forecasting models exploiting the market sentiment to identify market trends & threats